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Episode Overview: In this insightful episode, we delve into the critical but often misunderstood realm of performance metrics in business: leading and lagging indicators. We explore why scorecards are pivotal yet challenging to implement in companies, particularly those using the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) or similar frameworks. Join us as we discuss how to shift focus from merely tracking results to understanding and measuring the activities that lead to those outcomes.
Key Points:
  • Introduction to Indicators:
    • Definition of leading indicators: Measures that predict future performance. They are proactive and action-oriented.
    • Definition of lagging indicators: Outcomes that follow the events, often used to confirm patterns or results but not to predict them.
  • The Difficulty with Scorecards:
    • Why setting up an effective scorecard is one of the toughest tasks in business management.
    • The common mistake of focusing solely on results (lagging indicators) without considering what drives these results.
  • Leading Indicators: The Path to Results:
    • Discussion on how businesses can identify activities (leading indicators) that directly influence desired outcomes.
    • Examples: Customer engagement activities leading to sales, or employee training hours leading to improved service quality.
  • The Weight Loss Analogy:
    • Comparing business metrics to personal health goals: Just like losing weight involves more than just stepping on a scale (lagging indicator), it requires monitoring diet and exercise (leading indicators).
    • How this analogy can help managers rethink their approach to business metrics.
  • Looking Into the Future:
    • The importance of predictive analytics in business.
    • How companies can use leading indicators to forecast and prepare for future trends or downturns.
  • Implementing Leading Indicators:
    • Steps to integrate leading indicators into your business strategy.
    • Case studies or hypothetical scenarios where focusing on leading indicators turned around business performance.
  • Wrap-Up:
    • Recap of the importance of looking forward with leading indicators, rather than backward with lagging ones.
    • Encouragement for listeners to review their current scorecards and consider adjustments.
Call to Action:
  • Subscribe to the podcast for more insights on business strategy and performance management.
  • Share your own experiences with leading vs. lagging indicators in the comments or via social media.

This episode promises not only to educate but also to transform how leaders perceive and utilize metrics in steering their companies towards success. Tune in to shift your perspective from what has happened to what could happen with the right focus on leading indicators.
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Thanks to Tim Scott, our producer extraordinaire


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