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This week, our hosts Sid and Keith converse, chat, consider and confer on “The Four Cs of Christian Leadership,” a commendable composition of commentary Sid recently gave to a crowd of local community chiefs, captains and commanders (we promise to stop with the C-starting words now). His chat with them was so good, we knew we needed to have it here, too, for everyone to be able to catch.

Sid tells his personal story of recovery and the 4 Cs (calling, competence, confidence and character) he learned along that continued journey and how it relates to business leadership. From his stages of making amends with others and finding his calling to serve them, to developing his competence in areas in which he felt he was less than strong, to gaining confidence is his own abilities enough to be able to begin to lead and train others and now the continued crusade to develop his character – you really won’t want to miss this very special episode that can help change your business and your life.

Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller

The 4 C’s of Christian Leadership ~ Dr. Bruce Winston


Sexton Lawn & Landscape

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Thank the Team: We do not do this alone. Send your love to Austin Glines for production, audio engineering, and video.


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