100 Episodes … a milestone celebration for any collaborative media effort, but certainly a monumental one for us here at the Overlap Podcast. So, how do we celebrate such a momentous occasion?
Do we pull a “What’s My Line” and have a live intro recorded by President Gerald Ford? (Probably not, what with him being dead and all…)Maybe go with the “All in the Family” and have a clip show hosted by a universally beloved celebrity, like they did with Henry Fonda? (Yeah, we can’t afford Tom Hanks and the writing staff has already threatened them with murder if they do another damn clip show.)
Do we follow a pop culture trope and kill off a major character in our 100th episode? (Please let it be Keith, please let it be Keith, please let it be Keith…)
Maybe a special musical episode for our 100th, a’la Scrubs or That 70s Show? (No one wants to hear a song about EOS … except maybe Sid)
Well, we did … none of those things.
We did bring Friend of the Pod Chad Warweg onboard this week for a special lookback with our boys Sid and Keith to go through the highs, lows, and middles of the past 100 episodes that bring back memories both misty and watercolored
If you’re a new listener or an OG Overlap follower, there’s something to enjoy in this week’s broadcast … especially at the very end when Keith jumps his motorcycle over a live shark.
Will he make it?
Where did we get a shark?
Will he go “Aaaayyy” like the Fonz as he does it?
Will the writing staff finally be fired for constantly dragging one of the hosts for filth?
Sexton Lawn & Landscape
Keith Glines
Sid Sexton
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Thank the Team: We do not do this alone. Send your love to Austin Glines for production, audio engineering, and video.
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