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Pitchforks – check. Torches – check. A somehow seemingly impromptu song about storming a castle to kill its animal-like occupant that all of the dozens of random townfolk gathered together somehow all know … … you can really only check that one if you’re in the touring production of “Beauty and the Beast” (and we hope you aren’t that “I NEED … SIX EGGS” woman from the opening number because … girl, are you okay?) The danger that is the mob mentality does often lead to such chicanery, buffoonery and, yes, even an occasional score written by EGOTer Alan Menken … but how does this apply to you?

Well, our boys Sid and Keith are here to help break up the mire that is mob mentality and help you open your eyes to a situation that you may not be wishing to acknowledge – that you and your business may already be halfway up the metaphorical mountaintop to storm the old Frankenstein place without actually knowing you’ve been caught up in the fray. And how are Sid and Keith so good at knowing how to move away from mob-like behavior … well, you’ll just have to listen to this week’s episode of the Overlap Podcast to find out.

(Although, let’s be real – would any group of people, angry mob or otherwise, actually consider having people like Sid or Keith as members? You know the answer, folks.)

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Thank the Team: We do not do this alone. Send your love to Austin Glines for production, audio engineering, and video.


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